video, Projects, Editorial Steven Gray video, Projects, Editorial Steven Gray

Bushido - A Short Documentary by TLP Media

A rare appearance in front of the camera.

"I need to shoot a short documentary to teach my AV class how to shoot good material on their iPhones. Can I shoot you practicing and talking about your journey in karate?"
"Ummmm... sure!"

My long-time buddy, Travis Patterson, is a fellow photographer, as well as being a teacher, videographer, designer and all-around media specialist (see his work at TLP Media, Cosplay by TLP Media, etc). We've been hanging out since I was in my undergrad and he was in his masters at UWF, and this project felt like a throwback to the good old days when we would get together on a weekend and just be creative and do a project together.

I don't often get in front of the camera. I post occasional images and thoughts related to my training, but I try not to share too much of the actual training itself. Inherent in traditional karate are tenets of humility and introspection, and I didn't want to veer into self-aggrandizement by talking too much or displaying too much training on camera. Vainly, I was also self conscious to be in front of the camera after a week of being sick, not training and getting a little soft around the edges.

With all that said, I can always trust Travis as a storyteller and image composer, so I decided to go for it.

Believe it or not, this super pretty footage (that is to say that the footage is pretty, the actor is fairly mediocre) was shot on an iPhone 6s, lit with $10 lights and stabilized with a cheap tripod and a selfie stick. You see, kids? It's easy to make a movie!

Travis's Portfolio:

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Culture, Editorial, Entertainment, Movies, video Steven Gray Culture, Editorial, Entertainment, Movies, video Steven Gray

Johnnie Walker - Dear Brother

This is a spec advertisement that is currently breaking the internet in my social circles. I'm sharing here for two reasons.

  1. This piece can only be described as heartbreakingly beautiful. Stunningly shot, edited and voiced. As a piece of visual art, it is a masterpiece for these filmmakers.
  2. It's still bringing tears to my eyes and it's been 12 hours since my first viewing.

This is a spec advertisement that is currently breaking the internet in my social circles. I'm sharing here for two reasons.

  1. This piece can only be described as heartbreakingly beautiful. Stunningly shot, edited and voiced. As a piece of visual art, it is a masterpiece for these filmmakers.
  2. It's still bringing tears to my eyes and it's been 12 hours since my first viewing.
Walking the roads of our youth
Through the land of our childhood, our home, and our truth
Be near me, guide me, always stay beside me
So I can be free
Let’s roam this place, familiar and vast
Our playground of green frames our past
We were wondrous
Never lost
Always home
When every place was fenceless
And time was endless
Our ways were always the same
Call my demons and walk me, my brother
Until our roads lead us away from each other
And if your heart’s full of sorrow, keep walking
Don’t rest
And promise me from heart to chest to never let your memories die
I will always be alive and by your side
In your mind
I’m free
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Miscellany Steven Gray Miscellany Steven Gray

Diffused Light


My teammates and I shot our final project for our film practicum yesterday.  We shot it on my 5D MkII and had a great time.

The picture quality out of my Canon 5D MkII never ceases to astound me.  Despite its recently being eclipsed by the 5D and the new line of 1Ds, but it still stands as a revolutionary tool in the world of independent filmmaking.  The stills below are taken from the footage as it came out of the camera.

We shot late in the afternoon, and between the low angle of the sun and the concurrent diffusion from the tree canopy at the late hour, the lighting we had to work with was absolutely gorgeous.  We used no light modification whatsoever, and I love the way it looks.

Whenever I get tired or burned out in image-making, days like yesterday revive my creative spirit and make me very excited to have such a wonderful environment in which to work.  It just makes me sad that the projector in our classroom will degrade the footage as much as it always does.

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