Diffused Light
My teammates and I shot our final project for our film practicum yesterday. We shot it on my 5D MkII and had a great time.
The picture quality out of my Canon 5D MkII never ceases to astound me. Despite its recently being eclipsed by the 5D and the new line of 1Ds, but it still stands as a revolutionary tool in the world of independent filmmaking. The stills below are taken from the footage as it came out of the camera.
We shot late in the afternoon, and between the low angle of the sun and the concurrent diffusion from the tree canopy at the late hour, the lighting we had to work with was absolutely gorgeous. We used no light modification whatsoever, and I love the way it looks.
Whenever I get tired or burned out in image-making, days like yesterday revive my creative spirit and make me very excited to have such a wonderful environment in which to work. It just makes me sad that the projector in our classroom will degrade the footage as much as it always does.