Miscellany, Travel Steven Gray Miscellany, Travel Steven Gray

The new cards have arrived...

Thanks to everyone who helped me with the development of my new business cards a few weeks ago.  The cards came yesterday afternoon, and boy are they pretty. From a design standpoint, I wanted to ensure that they fit in with my life's "vintage travel" motif.  If you know me, or even if you knew me at certain periods of my life (I went through a pretty intense Indiana Jones phase), you know all too well that the romance of 1940s travel and adventure is one of the heaviest influences on my life.  Before you say anything, I know.  The world has changed.  Ultra-light packing has pushed the steamer trunk out of vogue.  The modern American insistence on dressing to be "comfortable" on airplanes has effectively replaced the conservative gray traveling suit.  Scottevests and canvas bucket hats are more practical than field jackets and fedoras.  I understand all of this, and to a certain extent I appreciate it.

But when it comes to presenting one's self to the world, and for capturing the spirit of adventure in your own mind, I defy you to tell me that this is a real improvement over this.

In that spirit, the cards...


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