Culture, Food, Health Steven Gray Culture, Food, Health Steven Gray

New Hub: "All Natural," and other grocery store misnomers.

If you are a Starbucks fan, you will enjoy this post. Today's entry links to an article I published on HubPages.  The subject is food marketing and its use of vague terms like "fortified" and "all natural" to promote some foods over others.  What do these terms even mean?

Is "all natural" really natural, or just a game of semantics?

Are whole grains and multi grains are really as healthy as they are purported as being?  And what about fiber?  And is a "healthy" smoothie really better than something from Starbucks?

The article is a bit lengthy at about 1,500 words, plus links to supplementary sources and supplementary material, but if you are interested in nutrition and its relationship to culture, you will enjoy it.

Read: "All Natural," and other grocery store misnomers.

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