When an author shares your book review...

In case you missed it, author Richard Nikoley was kind enough to acknowledge my review of his book Free the Animal: How to Lose Weight and Fat on the Paleo Diet on his own blog.  He also shared the review on his Facebook page. I knew there was a possibility that Nikoley might share my review (I went out of my way to make him aware of it, tagging him on Twitter so he would at least see it), so I made sure to proofread and ensure my review was polished before posting; just as I always do.  However, when Nikoley shared the review on Facebook, it hit home that my lowly blog had been shared on a site with a huge regular readership and over 3,000 likes on Facebook.

Cue mental crisis!

I immediately scanned back over my post and made a couple of minor wording and punctation adjustments.  There were no glaring errors or major misprints, but the idea of easy readability takes on new significance when the audience of a blog and the writer's reputation is suddenly put before a much larger group of people for a short time.

An identical crisis of confidence occurred last year when I reviewed J. Stanton's The Gnoll Credo on HubPages.  Eventually, I will learn to let my copy rest for a day or two before proofreading and finally publishing it to the web.  It would help me to avoid this crippling state of mind.

Crippling?  Yes.  The following visual aid should communicate it fairly succinctly.


Christians, Christianity and the Paleo Diet. Compatible or Not?


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